GWs by post-Newtonian Sources, GW emission in compact binaries
Untertitel Expansion (leading order); 1-PN-expansion; Hulse-Taylor pulsar; Corrections: Roemer, Shapiro & Einstein time delay; Relativistic corrections for binary pulsars
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 13.02.2019 @ 10:15
Radiation from accelerated masses, GWs by Post Newtonian sources
Untertitel Energy momentum tensor; Non-relativistic limit; Angles for GW emission; Energy radiated; Compare to EM radiation; Calculate Feynman diagrams: Photon, External graviton line; Post Newtonian sources: Near zone / Far zone, PN expansion, ...
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 06.02.2019 @ 10:15
Beschreibung ..., Expanding Energy momentum tensor, Newtonian limit (1PN expansion)
Radial infall into a black hole, Tidal desruption of a star falling into a black hole
Untertitel Total radiated power / energy; Head on collision of two black holes; Incoherent emission; Tidal radius; Tidal force / breakup; Elongation at Rs; Parameter governing the loss of coherence
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 30.01.2019 @ 10:15
Untertitel Elliptic Keplerian Orbits: Radiated power, Orbit circularization; Radiation from rotating rigid bodies: Rotation around the principal axis, Rotational energy loss
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 23.01.2019 @ 10:30
Untertitel Inspiral of compact binaries; Chirp mass; Amplitudes; Power in GWs; Source of radiated energy: orbital energy; Inspiral for masses of neutron stars; Number of cycles in detector bandwidth; Change of orbital radius; Waveform of GW; Effects from GR
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 16.01.2019 @ 10:15
Applications of Einstein's Quadrupole Formula
Untertitel Radiation Reaction on non-relativistic Sources; Burke-Thorne Potential; Energy / Angular Momentum Loss of the Source; Radiation from a closed System of Point Masses; Simple periodic Motion; Two Masses connected by a Spring of Length L; ...
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 19.12.2018 @ 10:15
Beschreibung ...; Quadrupole Formula from a Mass in circlular Orbit; Angular Distribution of radiated Power
Generation of Gravitational Waves in Linear Theory, Low Velocity Expansion, Mass Quadrupole Radiation
Untertitel Amplitude of GWs; Total Energy radiated; Quadrupole Moment; Lambda-tensor; Radiated Energy; Einstein's Quadrupole Formular
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 12.12.2018 @ 10:15
Classical Field Theory for Gravitons, Generation of Graviational Waves in linearized theory
Untertitel General, gauge invariant action for massless spin-2 field; Pauly-Fierz action; Graviton propagator; From gravitons to gravity; Effective field theories; Massive gravitons; Bounds from Gravitational Waves; Weak field sources with arbitrary velocities
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 05.12.2018 @ 10:15
Untertitel Spin-zero boson field Φ; Spin-one boson field Aμ; Tensor (spin-two) boson field hμν; Construct gauge invariant action
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 28.11.2018 @ 10:15
Propagation in curved space-time, Field-theoretical Approach to Gravitational Waves
Untertitel Energy flux; Linearized gravity as a classical field theory; Example: Electrodynamics; Energie-momentum tensor of GW
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 21.11.2018 @ 10:15
The Energy of Gravitational Waves
Untertitel What is Background and what is Fluctuation?; Systematic Expansion; Effective Theory; Course Graining / Separation of Scales / Integrating out; Energy-momentum Tensor of Gravitational Waves; Energy-momentum Conservation?; Energy Loss due to GWs
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 14.11.2018 @ 10:15
Interaction of Gravitational Waves
Untertitel Covariant Derivative / Tidal Gravitational Force; Local Inertial Frame: Reference Frame; Proper Time; Proper Detector Frame; Metric for earthbound detector; Corrections (Newtonian Force); Effect of GW on Test Masses; Polarisation Diagrams; Lines of Forces
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 07.11.2018 @ 10:15
Geometric Approach to Gravitational Waves (continued)
Untertitel Transvers-traceless Gauge; In Vacuum: Wave Equation; Single plane Wave; Projection onto the TT Gauge; Plane Wave Expansion; Interaction of GWs with Test Masses; Geodesic Equation / Deviation; Local Frame / Freely falling Frame
Sprecher Apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Ort Phys 02.114
Datum 31.10.2018 @ 12:15
Geometric Approach to Gravitational Waves
Untertitel Exercise Dates; elearning Portal; Script and Lecture Notes; Notation; Expansion around flat Space; Equation of Motion for GWs; Use Gauge Freedom to choose Lorenz gauge; The transverse-traceless Gauge